Saturday, October 31, 2009

ok that kid really isn't mine...

i want to know who built this house i am living in because it is the creakiest thing ever, even the littlest step upstairs sounds like a stampede from down here (when the neighbor's kids are over i am not completely uncertain it ISNT a stampede). as my little one is sleeping peacefully in his swing every creak sends a knot in the pit of my stomach "PLEASE dont interrupt this blissful nap". My son comes running down the stairs sounding a bit like tarzan screaming, of course, as loudly as is humanly possible, and when i shush him, "your brother is asleep" (thru gritted teeth of course) he informs me "but its carl". well im telling carl to shush too!! whew! that was a close one.....

whose kid is that?

Not mine! I joke...i joke. well, sort of. ;) (JK) i sit here as a stay at home mom day in and day out bored and frazzled out of my mind many days. while i love my kids i just generally wish there was more truth out there about the stress and feelings that come along with being a stay at home mom. the idea that we are all perfect superwomen soccer moms is such a falsity i am ashamed and feel guilt at the thought of even confessing my true day to day life. i am an admittedly horrible housewife. i take care of my youngest son who is only 3 months and my older who is 7. the huge gap which has left me feeling as though i am a brand new mother all over again. i am the kind of stay at home mom whose laundry is not always done (and in fact is rarely ever all the way complete), whose husband has to eat a lot of frozen dinners (and I dont mean the kind I cook in bulk to be used later), whose dishes, on more than one occasion a week, get piled up, who does many of the things your not "supposed" to do. while i am not so good at the housework or the cooking, i do love my children (even if they do drive me bonkers!) and i feel extremely grateful that i am able to stay at home with them. this will be just a little peek into the life of a stay at home mom who is honest about how hard it is and who is real about the fact that i dont even TRY to do it all! u will get to hear all the great stories that we all know too well as stay at home moms (and mom's in general). such as the time when my 7 year old wrote on his brother's furniture ("WHAT was he thinking?!) and i'm considering all the steps he took to do so. first you have to find the PERMANENT marker, take the cap off, go in your brother's room, write 9 letters and through all this you didnt once stop and consider, "mom is going to see this". AH! I do love my kids, but sometimes I am left wondering "whose kid is that?"