Saturday, March 20, 2010


So, I have recently put my family on a diet of sorts. I have been trying to buy good REAL food. No preservatives or additives and organic for a lot of stuff also. It has actually made me want to cook more (and as I've said before, I DO NOT cook). I've made 2 or 3 cakes from scratch also. I think what it is is that it feels good to know that I am feeding my family good food. Now don't get me wrong we are still eating some bad stuff too, I'm not one of those hardcore organic green people. The whole reason that this came about is that I watched a few talk shows about pesticides and the things that are in beauty products, talks about BPA and other dangers in food. I also watched the documentary Food Inc (I highly recommend). All these things got me thinking about what we are eating and it made me want to change how we eat. I also started trying to be a little more green in other areas of my life: i make sure to save napkins, plastic spoons and all the other things that dont get used from fast food, etc., i've been saving baby food and other glass jars even though I have no clue what I am going to use them for LOL (i've been trying to buy things in glass as much as possible bc of the whole BPA thing), I have been using my re-usable shopping bags fairly religiously, I even planted some herbs and tomatoes and peppers. I've been reading a book about green living that has given me a lot of ideas that I cant wait to use when we buy another house (hopefully next year).
I dont really know where this blog is going I was just thinking about it. It really does make me proud of myself and I feel so good to be doing any little bit I can for my family and the planet :) I don't think I could ever cut out a lot of conveniences that are non-green but something is always better than nothing!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

bye bye boobie

well its official, i've been bitten and you know what that means? no more boobie for the baby! Yes i have decided that teeth mark the ending to my breastfeeding. I must say though I am so proud of myself for doing it for 8 months, even though it is now only once maybe twice a day I still never thought i would have lasted this long. and now if only my boobs would magically realign themselves to their former position.....

(hey we can all dream a little)